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Aman Makkar - Embracing Failure - Aman Makkar

"Every person, and especially every entrepreneur, should embrace failure with open arms. It is only through failure that we learn." - Richard Branson

I founded a pretty awesome real estate valuation company when I was 24 years old. I then "failed" and had to close it down four years ago. I was 29 years old at the time. It all happened so fast. I was young and while I may have done some things well, I also made my fair share of mistakes.

Unfortunately however, for some time, it got the best of me. It got the best of my spirit, energy, drive, determination, passion, and enthusiasm to grow, create, innovate and dream about doing it all over again.

Although it's taken time to truly try and embrace it, I'm finally getting there. Writing this post is a part of embracing my failure. It's taken time for a variety of reasons. At that time, the most important thing on my mind was taking care of my family and tying up the many loose ends as a result of my failure. As time has helped heal, and I've moved on and learned from that experience, I'm able to reflect on it more..

I learned a lot from that time. I leanred about my strengths and weaknesses.


"One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again." - Henry Ford

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